programme outline


Urban planning and permitting: Challenges and solutions for accelerating the process in Slovenia


  • Current Challenges in Urban Planning and Permitting in Slovenia – Analysing the main obstacles causing delays, including bureaucratic complexity and lack of coordination between government levels.
  • Effectiveness of the Existing Regulatory Framework – Assessing how current laws and policies impact the speed and efficiency of planning and permitting processes.
  • Best Practices – Learning from successful international examples of streamlining permitting through reforms and innovative approaches.
  • Digitalization and Modernization of the Process
  • Public-Private Sector Collaboration – Identifying ways in which investors and government institutions can work together to reduce delays and improve efficiency.
  • Enhancing the Capacity of Local Authorities – Addressing the need for better training and resources to ensure municipalities can effectively manage urban planning and permitting.


Social and Affordable Housing: Challenges and Opportunities in the Slovenian Market

  • Current State of Social and Affordable Housing in Slovenia – Supply, demand, and key challenges
  • Regulatory and Policy Landscape – How government policies and incentives impact development
  • Financing Models and Investment Potential – Public-private partnerships, subsidies, and funding mechanisms
  • Innovative Approaches to Affordable Housing – Modular construction, ESG-aligned solutions, and sustainable urban planning
  • Future Outlook – What steps are needed to ensure long-term affordability and accessibility?

    PANEL 3:

    Tenant Perspective: The Future of Offices in the Era of New Developments

    • Tenant Expectations from Office Spaces – Flexibility, location, technology, and ESG compliance
    • Impact of New Office Developments on the Market – Challenges and opportunities for both existing and new projects
    • Strategies for Existing Office Buildings to Stay Competitive – Modernization, certification, and adaptation to evolving market demands
    • Market Trends and the Future of Office Spaces – What will define the office landscape in the coming years?

      PANEL 4:

      Unlocking the Door: Alternative Funding Paths for Real Estate Developers

      • Exploring Modern Approaches to Real Estate Project Financing – How developers can go beyond traditional bank loans by leveraging capital markets and institutional investors to realize ambitious real estate projects
      • Case Studies: Schellenburg and Julius Meinl Living – Two success stories illustrating how innovative financing unlocked market potential and enabled the development of high-end real estate investments.

        The program is subject to updates, and the organizers reserve the right to make changes.

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